Managing Developmental Delays In Children

Managing Developmental Delays In Children


If you notice that your child is falling behind in terms of physical, mental or emotional growth than the other peers of his age then he might be going through some developmental delays. With the help of quality child care Siliguri, your child will be able to make progress very soon. Early treatment is the only way to make them catch up.

A child may suffer from different types of developmental delays such as

  • Vision
  • Speech or language
  • Movement or motor skills
  • Thinking or cognitive skills
  • Emotional and social skills
  • Delay in sitting, walking, crawling or rolling over
  • Difficulty in remembering
  • Not being able to connect consequences with actions

Although most developmental delays are caused by unknown reasons some of the delays are caused due to genetic factors like Fragile X syndrome or Down syndrome. In some cases, developmental delays are also caused due to many environmental factors-

  • Low weight during birth
  • Premature birth
  • Poor nutrition
  • Exposure to different types of toxins before birth
  • Several health conditions
  • Less oxygen at the time of birth
  • Severe trauma like child abuse.

Sometimes as a result of birth defects the babies can be born with developmental delays in such cases, it is advisable to visit a newborn care doctor in Siliguri to avoid any milestones in the baby’s growth and development.

Test and Diagnosis

Developmental screenings are used by the healthcare provider to know about the basic learning skills of the children. The doctors normally ask a few questions and play or talk with the child while taking such exams. This helps them to know about how your child speaks, learns, moves and behaves.

Your child’s doctor might also ask you to fill out some questionnaires to know more about the child’s development. No blood or lab test can detect a delay of the development it can only be found out with developmental screening which is a tool to know if the child needs any extra treatment or evaluation.

Management with the Help of a Baby Care Centre in Siliguri

Depending on the condition of your child he might be referred to several specialists such as

  • Hearing specialist
  • Speech therapist
  • Developmental paediatrician
  • Neurologist
  • Doctors giving early intervention services

Services like early intervention are provided to toddlers or infants having issues like:

  • Several health problems
  • Premature birth
  • Delay in mobbing, thinking, playing or talking
  • Difficulty in hearing or seeing

Based on the needs of your child the healthcare provider will write an IFSP or Individualized Family Service Plan at the time of early intervention. The doctor will detect the types of services or activities which can help the development of your child. Such services include-

  • Medical services
  • Physical therapy
  • Nursing services
  • Nutrition services
  • Occupational therapy
  • Family training and counselling
  • Psychological services
  • Hearing services or audiology
  • Assistive technology
  • Language or speech services

Preventive Measures for Developmental Delay

Although the cause for developmental delay cannot be always detected it is best advised to avoid taking any kind of toxins such as cigarettes, or alcohol at the time of pregnancy. Early intervention also plays a major role in preventing long-term delay of development.

In many cases seen with early intervention to infants or babies up to 3 years of age developmental delays are prevented for the long term.

Tips to Take Care of a Child with Developmental Delay

You can help your child to progress if he is suffering from developmental delays by following some steps such as

  • Playing with the child regularly
  • Reading some stories to the child
  • Limiting screen time
  • Creating a detailed schedule for the child to follow

Developmental delays can be noticed in children due to many unknown and known factors. It is best to contact quality child care Siliguri to help your child progress and outgrow the developmental delays. With the right car and treatment, your child will be able to avoid this condition in the long run.

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