Nutritional Tips For Infants

Nutritional Tips For Infants


It is very important to take utmost care of newborn babies from getting injured or suffering from any serious disease along with providing them, with the essential nutrients needed for their growth. You can visit a baby care centre in Siliguri and learn about the necessary tips required to keep your baby safe from any external harm. Giving the necessary nutrients to the child will also keep him healthy.

For a newborn baby, the main source of minerals and vitamins is the breast milk of their mother. However, if the baby’s mother is unable to produce breast milk due to several health conditions then there are several infant formulas available which provide the necessary nutrients to the baby.

Within the age of 6 months, children nearly become ready to consume solid food items. You must consult with your paediatrician about the best time to start feeding solid food to your child. You start introducing one food item at a time to your child to find out any allergy-causing food items causing vomiting, rash or diarrhoea.

Nutritional Tips From Newborn Care Doctor in Siliguri

If you want to know more about your newborn baby you must start feeding him properly. Most all the nutrients that a newborn needs are present in the breast milk and for the first few months it is very important to breastfeed the baby properly. However in cases if you are unable to produce breast milk you can feed the baby some infant formulas.

Breastfeeding: Your baby might need to be breastfed at an interval of every two-three hours. If you start noticing frequent wet diapers you will understand that your baby is being well-fed and will grow well.

Formula feeding: You must keep in mind to not feed cow milk to your baby before the age of 1 year old. You can ask your healthcare provider about some infant formulas in case you are not able to breastfeed.

If your baby is fed with formula he will get hungry after every 3-4 hours. If your baby is 1 month old then feed him 4 ounces of formula in each feeding and when your child turns 6 months start feeding him 6-8 ounces of formula in each meal.

Tips To Feed the Baby

  • You must keep aside your mobile phone and switch off the TV when you are feeding your baby to pay your full attention.
  • Start talking with your baby while holding him or sitting at the time of feeding.
  • Avoid watering down his formula or breast milk as will prevent the baby from getting all the necessary minerals and nutrients.
  • Follow the directions written in the formula package before mixing it.
  • Avoid leaving your baby to feed alone as it can lead to choking, tooth decay and ear infections.

Introducing Solid Food to The Baby

After your baby reaches 6 months of age only feeding breast milk and formula will not provide all the necessary nutrients like zinc, iron and vitamin C. Try to introduce some solid foods to the baby starting from this age. By consuming solid food the baby will start learning about different textures and flavours of different food items. You will know that your baby is ready for solid foods when you start noticing the following signs-

  • When he can sit up with some support and can hold his head steadily.
  • When he will start opening his mouth by recognising the different items.
  • When he stops pushing out the food from his mouth.

Taking care of a newborn infant can be quite a tricky but very enjoyable process. You can visit a baby care centre in Siliguri and consult with a specialist to learn about the tips to follow to keep your baby safe and healthy. Feeding the baby with necessary nutrients is also very important to keep him from getting sick.

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