Top 7 Parenting Tips To Prevent Childhood Obesity

Top 7 Parenting Tips To Prevent Childhood Obesity


The increasing rates of obesity among children are quite alarming since it is a complex disease that may have various health complications. Childhood obesity not only makes one more prone to developing chronic illnesses but also leads to depression and poor self-esteem. There can be multiple causes leading to childhood obesity which include family factors, lack of exercise, certain medications, and psychological factors. As a parent, you must provide your kid with quality child care in Siliguri in case of obesity issues.

In most scenarios of child obesity, the main enemy is improper behavioural habits. A sedentary lifestyle, limited access to healthy food, and lack of sufficient place to pay are some of the factors that can lead to the development of such extra pounds. However, doctors always recommend that the parents must be a role model for the child and pave the way towards a healthy lifestyle. This will not only motivate the kid to adopt healthier habits but will also reduce the likelihood of childhood obesity.

Expert Recommended Tips To Save Your Child From Obesity

1. Reduce screen time

The main cause of obesity among children is too much screen time which has also become a main reason for poor mental health and low grades in school. To avoid this issue, you must reduce the screen timing of the child by following a family media plan. There must be fixed social media timing for all the family members so that your child also gets motivated to follow it.

2. Curate a healthy eating style

Proper nutrition and a healthier diet are the main factors that can help you maintain proper body weight. This is why you must always focus on educating the child about healthy eating patterns. Herein, you must serve your child with the right amount of whole grains, fruits, vegetables, dairy products, and lean protein that will support normal growth and development.

3. Motivate your child to move more

It is always recommended by the best paediatrician doctors in Siliguri that you must always encourage the child to move more and indulge in exciting activities. Following this, you can dedicate some time in the day to playing fun activities with the kids such as tricycle riding, jumping rope, family walking, and other outdoor games together. This will also help in boosting family bonding.

4. Focus on portion sizes

Another healthy habit that you must follow is portion control. While serving food to your child, you should always focus on portion sizes to avoid overeating and maintain proper calorie intake. This measure plays a vital role in maintaining proper body weight and preventing chronic illnesses associated with obesity.

5. Maintain a proper sleeping schedule

Lack of sleep can be one of the major factors for childhood obesity. Herein, you must always make your child follow a strict sleeping schedule every day. It has been a proven fact that children who have a bad sleep routine are more likely to experience unhealthy weight gain. This is why you should prioritize on letting your child have almost 8 hours of sleep even during the fun weekends.

6. Avoid outside food

Children will always throw tantrums to eat outside junk food but as a parent, you must stop this habit. Outside food is packed with trans-fat, preservatives, and high calories, which can lead your child to gain abnormal weight. If your child is craving some tasty snacks then consider preparing some healthy kid-friendly snacks at home such as yogurt dip with veggie fries, and fruit smoothies.

7. Prioritize on overall health

We often have the habit of blaming body shape and appearance but this can severely affect the self-esteem of the child. This is why as a parent your focus should never be on appearance but on overall health. You must make your child understand that a healthy lifestyle and treatment will not only reduce your weight but will play a role in improving your overall life quality.

You must know that these tips for preventing childhood obesity are only effective when weight gain is associated with behavioural and lifestyle issues. However, you must avail of quality child care in Siliguri without any delay when obesity is caused due to underlying health issues such as hypothyroidism and Cushing syndrome.

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